

What is F1 HOT or NOT?

F1 HOT or NOT was created in 2016 as an alternative to the FOM’s DOTD vote, and has evolved into a great way for the r/formula1 subreddit to elect (and argue over!) the best drivers and teams for each race.

In 2018, after two seasons of "getting by" with some help from PowerPoint and Excel, F1 HOT or NOT now has its own website, which should - hopefully! - make things smoother for everyone going forward :-).

We will also be covering Formula E in addition to Formula 1 this year!

How can I participate?

A survey will be available here for 24 hours following the end of each race. A link to each survey will also be posted on is posted on r/formula1 after each race, so be on the lookout!

You can also sign up here to receive an email whenever a new poll is available (and more coming soon)!